saracens partner club
rfu accredited club


A white circle with gold text and swingers  Description automatically generatedOCRFC logoPROJECT 100


We are working to a very tight time schedule in our endeavours to realise Project 100.  Here for your information are key dates and milestones.

April 2023Preliminary design concepts started. 
February 2024RFU Grant and Loan application submitted. 
23rd March 2024Project launch at Past Players Lunch. 
27th March 2024Crowdfunding initiative launched.Target £20,000 + matching funding (Sport England) up to £10,000.
5th April 2024Final design concepts fixed. 
22nd April 2024£8,000 in matching funding pledged.By Sport England.
25th April 2024Small Grant of £2,500 secured.Kent RFU to assist with preliminary costs.
29th April 2024Planning Application submitted.Decision expected mid-July.
July 2024Marathon Trust Grant Application submission.Decision expected September 2024.
Aug / SeptDecisions on RFU Grants and Loan. 
Aug/ SeptDecision on Marathon Trust Grant. 
End September 2024Go / No go decision on Phase 1.Subject to funding position.
October 2024Call for Benefactors funds.Subject to positive Go/No go decision.
October to Nov 2024Tendering. 
December 2024Contractor(s) Selection. 
January 2025Construction to start. 
Jan to March 2025Groundworks. 
March to June 2025Super structures. 
End June 2025Building watertight. 
July to Sept 2025Internal outfit. 
End September 2025Delivery Phase 1 works. 
Oct 2025 onwardsDecision to proceed with Phase 2.Subject to funding and minimising adverse impact on ongoing activities.

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