saracens partner club
rfu accredited club

News Update Sunday 21st June


Hi everyone


Thank you to everyone who joined the AGM today hopefully it was useful to hear what the club is planning etc. I hope you and your family are okay and keeping safe now the situation looks to be improving slightly.


Nearly There, Last Major Push to Break Through the Target Needed

A massive thank you to all the people who have contributed to our JustGiving campaign we have reached 90% of our target and now need that final push to break through it. I’m sure there are many of you who keep meaning to make a donation so please do so now it will close at the end of June.

Some of our enterprising members have found that their company will match, double or even triple their donation as we are a registered CASC and have Charity status, some do this via Benevity Causes ( which manages Charity Donations on behalf of companies, why not check what your company does, you never know !!!!


Golf for 4 People at Eltham Warren Golf Club – 18 holes of golf for 4 people available to the highest bidder all proceeds will go to the club, let Dave ( know if you are interested.                                


Best Ever OCRFC XV –  the team has been selected thank you to everyone who voted check out the result –


A Reminder of the Season

Have a look at these photos remind yourself what a rugby match looks like, these have been put together by our match photographer Kay Fackrell –




Whats Next for Rugby

Next Steps
The club is working hard at getting us open again so watch out for further details, it will be a gradual approach trialling activities as we restart based on the Governments guidelines, safety and what makes commercial sense.



More detailed guidance on Age Grade Return to Rugby can also be found from Deborah Park in her – Kent County June 2020 Youth Chairs report 


Kent RFU Survey on getting Back to Rugby – Kent have asked us to circulate this request, perhaps you have concerns about what will happen? Please could you fill out the survey to help Kent identify the key actions they need to take to help all clubs reboot the game in Kent when the Government and RFU give the signal that it is safe to do so.


Keep Safe




Dave Hodgkiss


OCRFC Chairman  


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